We are yet to see any device that is running on the Snapdragon 675 which was an update to the old Snapdragon 670 with faster CPU cores. It seems that Vivo V15 Pro will be the first device that will be making use of the Snapdragon 675. The smartphone got a very good score both for a single and multiple core after it was shown on Geekbench with the Snapdragon 675.
The Geekbench result seems to have yielded a good result – both seems to be better than any other 12nm Snapdragon chipset with the SD 670 and SD710 inclusive. Although both of them are not closer to the numbers of the 10nm Snapdragon 845.
It seems that the device was built on an updated process that San Diego calls “11nm” with improved performance. But as for now, we cannot confirm that until the device is unveiled on February 20.
Last week rumors revealed the specifications and the details of the device. The Vivo V15 will come with an AMOLED panel with UD finger print scanner. It will also come with a unique 48MP rear camera which will produce 12MP images in a tricky condition. We had that there are two more shooters but we are yet to confirm that. Also, the device will be coming with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage space which is cool for such device. For now, Vivo is yet to officially reveal the price of the device. We hope that the price won’t be too high. We await the official unveiling of the device soon.
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The Geekbench result seems to have yielded a good result – both seems to be better than any other 12nm Snapdragon chipset with the SD 670 and SD710 inclusive. Although both of them are not closer to the numbers of the 10nm Snapdragon 845.
It seems that the device was built on an updated process that San Diego calls “11nm” with improved performance. But as for now, we cannot confirm that until the device is unveiled on February 20.
Last week rumors revealed the specifications and the details of the device. The Vivo V15 will come with an AMOLED panel with UD finger print scanner. It will also come with a unique 48MP rear camera which will produce 12MP images in a tricky condition. We had that there are two more shooters but we are yet to confirm that. Also, the device will be coming with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage space which is cool for such device. For now, Vivo is yet to officially reveal the price of the device. We hope that the price won’t be too high. We await the official unveiling of the device soon.
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