Qualcomm have released another chipset. The company revealed that they have added another chipset to their portfolio. This time, it is the Snapdragon 712. This chipset is an upgraded version of the widely known Snapdragon 710 and the chip is built on the 10nm process. The chip comes with a fast octa – core processor that will boost your game performance and other things.
If you compare the new chip to the SD710, you will see that the CPU’ s Kryo 360 cores of the new chip runs at 2.3GHz while the old one runs on 2.2GHz. Also, the latest chip comes with quick charger 4+ instead of the quick charge 4 that was seen on the SD710. The new chip is said to come with better Bluetooth audio thanks to the Broadcast Audio technologies and the Truewireless Stereo Plus.
The new Snapdragon 712 will keep all the specifications including the Adereno 616 GPU and the Hexagon 685 DSP. There are no changes in the modem as it still remains the Qualcomm Snapdragon X15 which has support for LTE Cat 15 downlink and cat 13 uplink and which will reach a speed of 800 megabytes per second (Mbps) and 150Mbps respectively. There will still be 20MP dual camera or 32MP single shooter with the same spectra 250 ISP in the new Snapdragon 712 chipset.
Snapdragon 712 | Snapdragon 710 | |
Process | 10 nm FinFET | 10 nm FinFET |
CPU | 8x Qualcomm Kryo 360 CPU @ 2.3GHz | 8x Qualcomm Kryo 360 CPU @ 2.2GHz |
GPU | Qualcomm Adreno 616 | Qualcomm Adreno 616 |
Photo | Up to 20 MP dual camera Up to 32 MP single camera | Up to 20 MP dual camera Up to 32 MP single camera |
Modem | Snapdragon X15 LTE Cat.15 / Cat.13 800 Mbps DL / 150 Mbps UL | Snapdragon X15 LTE Cat.15 / Cat.13 800 Mbps DL / 150 Mbps UL |
Fast charging | Quick Charge 4+ | Quick Charge 4 |
If you compare the new chip to the SD710, you will see that the CPU’ s Kryo 360 cores of the new chip runs at 2.3GHz while the old one runs on 2.2GHz. Also, the latest chip comes with quick charger 4+ instead of the quick charge 4 that was seen on the SD710. The new chip is said to come with better Bluetooth audio thanks to the Broadcast Audio technologies and the Truewireless Stereo Plus.
The new Snapdragon 712 will keep all the specifications including the Adereno 616 GPU and the Hexagon 685 DSP. There are no changes in the modem as it still remains the Qualcomm Snapdragon X15 which has support for LTE Cat 15 downlink and cat 13 uplink and which will reach a speed of 800 megabytes per second (Mbps) and 150Mbps respectively. There will still be 20MP dual camera or 32MP single shooter with the same spectra 250 ISP in the new Snapdragon 712 chipset.