Barely few weeks after Qualcomm released the snapdragon 712, the company are now preparing another chipset for cheaper phones – like Android Go and other phones. The chipset which is called QM215 might not be included in the snapdragon line. The chip might be marketed as the Qualcomm Mobile 215 Platform instead.
The chipset is related to the Snapdragon 410 and 425 chipsets even regardless of the name. The chip will still come with quad – core CPU (most likely with the Cortex – A53 cores) clocked at 1.3GHz and a GPU clocked at 650MHz. For now, we cannot confirm if the chip will be produced on a 28nm process just like the 410/425 or something more modern.
Some reference designs with 1GB or 2GB of old LPDDR3 RAM and 8/16GB storage is being tested by Qualcomm. And that matches the Android Go theory. Huawei is rumored to be involved in this project. They are checking out phones with 720p+ screens and finger print readers.
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Source ( German)
The chipset is related to the Snapdragon 410 and 425 chipsets even regardless of the name. The chip will still come with quad – core CPU (most likely with the Cortex – A53 cores) clocked at 1.3GHz and a GPU clocked at 650MHz. For now, we cannot confirm if the chip will be produced on a 28nm process just like the 410/425 or something more modern.
Some reference designs with 1GB or 2GB of old LPDDR3 RAM and 8/16GB storage is being tested by Qualcomm. And that matches the Android Go theory. Huawei is rumored to be involved in this project. They are checking out phones with 720p+ screens and finger print readers.
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Source ( German)