Ahead of tomorrow’s launching of the Xiaomi Mi 9, the specifications and details of the device have been revealed online. The company have released so many teaser posts about the device in the past. In most of there teaser post, they leaked the colors of the device. They also leaked the spec of the triple camera setup along with wireless charging, finger print scanner, screen and most other features.
The flagship will come with 48MP camera with 0.8µm pixel size and ½ inch image sensor which will be outputting 12MP image on the Mi triple setup. The second snapper will come with 16MP ultra-wide – angle with 117 – degree FoV and f/2.2 aperture. A telephoto lens with 12MP sensors 1.0µm pixel size and f.f/2.2 aperture is included. Laser Autofocus which comes along PDAF and CDAF will support the whole setup which is lined vertically.
We will be seeing a circular module that will support up to 20W speeds instead of having the normal regular rectangular coils for the wireless charging. That’s if the unboxed videos that was leaked yesterday is true. The front will be coming with AMOLED panel by Samsung and full HD+ resolution while it is seating behind the back panel. The device will be coming with finger print scanner underneath. The device will come with features like; Reading Mode 2.0 and Sunlight Mode 2.0 so as to improve the readability in all conditions.
The Xiaomi Mi 9 will come with “Outstanding sound quality” which according to the company, it will be equal to 0.9cc large speaker box. Game lovers will enjoy Game Turbo – the Xiaomi solution for boosting the CPU and GPU (that’s “allocate resources” according to the manufacturers) so as to boost better game performance.
The device will come with a six – gen Gorilla Glass lens over it. And the device will come with three color variants; Ocean Blue, Piano Black and Lavender Violet. We are expecting a fourth variant called the Xiaomi Mi 9: Battle Angel which will have a transparent rear panel to appear during the launching.
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Xiaomi Mi 9 Specifications
The flagship will come with 48MP camera with 0.8µm pixel size and ½ inch image sensor which will be outputting 12MP image on the Mi triple setup. The second snapper will come with 16MP ultra-wide – angle with 117 – degree FoV and f/2.2 aperture. A telephoto lens with 12MP sensors 1.0µm pixel size and f.f/2.2 aperture is included. Laser Autofocus which comes along PDAF and CDAF will support the whole setup which is lined vertically.
We will be seeing a circular module that will support up to 20W speeds instead of having the normal regular rectangular coils for the wireless charging. That’s if the unboxed videos that was leaked yesterday is true. The front will be coming with AMOLED panel by Samsung and full HD+ resolution while it is seating behind the back panel. The device will be coming with finger print scanner underneath. The device will come with features like; Reading Mode 2.0 and Sunlight Mode 2.0 so as to improve the readability in all conditions.
The Xiaomi Mi 9 will come with “Outstanding sound quality” which according to the company, it will be equal to 0.9cc large speaker box. Game lovers will enjoy Game Turbo – the Xiaomi solution for boosting the CPU and GPU (that’s “allocate resources” according to the manufacturers) so as to boost better game performance.
The device will come with a six – gen Gorilla Glass lens over it. And the device will come with three color variants; Ocean Blue, Piano Black and Lavender Violet. We are expecting a fourth variant called the Xiaomi Mi 9: Battle Angel which will have a transparent rear panel to appear during the launching.
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